


Hi there!

Thank you for trusting us with your event! We're here to make your next event the best experience you’ve had yet!

This guide is for you to have the most important information available on the day of your event. We suggest you print it out and bring it to your event site.

We like to make sure our clients are 100% set on our platform before the event, but if on the competition day you need to edit a workout, or add a new team, this guide will help you find the instructions.

Thank you,
SweatWorks Support Team

Add a Workout

To add a workout, select the Workouts tab on the left, click on the ‘+’ button.

After that, the workout creation panel will pop up, where you have to enter the following information: 

  • Name of the workout.

  • Brief description of the workout (not required).

  • Select the applicable categories and divisions that will be competing on the workout you’re creating.

  • Select the type of workout from the dropdown menu (Time, AMRAP or Score).

  • Lastly, you can specify the workout score order by clicking the button located on the lower right corner of the page. The most common option will be selected automatically after you select a unit.

Note: If your workout is an AMRAP, by selecting the AMRAP unit you’ll be inputting the Rounds and Reps separately when tracking scores. If you have an AMRAP wod, but you wish to track the total amount of reps, please input Score as the unit.

If you select Score, you can enter the unit that you’ll count. For example: cal, lbs, m, reps, kg, etc.

Upload a Score

To track a score, go to the SCORING tab, select the workout you wish to track.

Athletes or teams will be listed under their category/division. You can scroll down to look them up, or you can type in their team name or athlete name on the search box to look for a particular athlete/team. 

Enter the score on the right side of the participant’s name, then click on the checkmark to save the score.

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After this, a pop up message will appear at the top of the screen notifying you that the score has been saved and shown automatically on the leaderboard:

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If the workouts’ unit is Time, you will have to input minutes and seconds where it says ‘Time’. You don’t need to input any punctuation marks, the system will put the time in the right format. If the time is 5 minutes and 30 seconds, for example, you’ll need to write 0530. Then again, select the checkmark on the right to save this score.

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Upload a Picture or Video

You’ll also find a small camera and video icons, where you can upload a picture or add a video link that Judges can use to validate your score. All you need to do to add these is click on the appropriate icon. Then, a small window will pop up:

For a picture, you’ll click on the camera icon in the middle of the window, and locate the picture you wish to upload.

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For a video, you’ll type in or paste the video link  you’d like to attach to the score:

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Once you have attached a picture and/or video and have inputted the score, select the check on the right and the score will be uploaded to the leaderboard, as well as the linked picture or video.

Edit a Score

In order to edit a score, you will have to go to the SCORING tab. Select the workout, then the participant. Then, you will have to overwrite the score previously tracked for that person by simply typing in the new score.

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After this is done, select the checkmark on the right of the score. A sign will pop up at the top to confirm the change that will say ‘Updated’. Then, the old score will be overwritten by the new one.


Track all Workouts

To ensure all scores have been uploaded, you can use our feature ‘Untracked Only’ to see which athletes/teams don’t have a score yet. This checkbox can be found on the ‘Activities’ tab, after selecting a specific Workout, then choosing the Category and Division.

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You can also leave this box checked through the entire tracking process, and as you upload scores, the athletes or teams that have had a score tracked on that workout, will automatically disappear from the list. This way, you won’t be distracted with the already tracked scores.

Add Heats

To create heats, first enable the ‘heat’ button to YES under the event’s SETTINGS.

 Then, go to the ‘heats’ tab and select the plus button to start creating heats:

By default the heat name will be heat 1, heat 2, etc.You can edit the heat name with the pencil icon. The name of the heat will show under ‘schedule’ and on the leaderboard. 

Then, select the category and division from the lists, and then the  athletes or teams.


Then, click on the heat where you want those athletes or teams to be under

Make sure you save the changes with the ‘save’ button at the bottom of the heats tab.


If heats are set up, there will be another tab called ‘schedule’ that is public, so participants will be able to see which heat they belong to


In order to access the leaderboard, select the ‘LEADERBOARD’ tab:

Under the Name column you will see the participants’ Rank and Total Score under the Category and Division that are selected at the top. On the other columns, you will find the Rank and the Scores for the participants/teams on each workout.

Athletes/teams will be assigned a placing on each workout and then those placings will be added together to give participants their final number of points and determine their position in the overall ranking. The smaller the final number of points is, the higher up in the overall rank they will be. 

You can also reorder the athletes by a specific workout. If you select a workout, the

up and down arrows will appear on the right of the screen so you can sort scores by

ascending or descending order:

If a workout has a description available, it will show an ‘i’ icon next to the name. If you click on this icon, a pop-up window with the workout’s information will come up: 

To go to the overall leaderboard, select ‘RANK/POINTS’:

If you click on the player button, the leaderboard will go live. It will go through the different categories and divisions automatically. If you want it to stop, click on the icon again.

In team events, if you double click on a team name, a pop window will appear showing the team mates:

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